All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.0.0 (2024-01-18)
π Features
- a11y audit (44dca22)
- add api instance information to banner. Fixes #203 (bca159a)
- add augmented metadata (d0ceb43)
- add circular + mobile completeness badges (23cae9b)
- add copy button to metadata section (#213) (847d60e)
- add download progress bar (32bf07c)
- add integration page (f27cb52)
- add news and docs pages (9f2e0af)
- add responsive metadata badge (ccce950)
- allow for multiple sources per dataset (7b63b27)
- docs: add integration page NIAID-Data-Ecosystem/niaid-feedback#86 (8e219b4)
- docs: add search bar for documentation (ad58208)
- docs: add use case section (89e1056)
- resource: add funding information to table (c9d9e79)
- resource: get related datasets using isPartOf identifier (8d5303b)
- resource: get related datasets using isPartOf identifier (63c4d70)
- revise data repository abstracts for homepage - NIAID-Data-Ecosystem/niaid-feedback#24 (8e6a795)
- search: add any specified filter (61f87f1)
- search: add augmented metadata + update sort order + style card (648de71)
- search: add exists toggle #199 (7ca6dc4)
- search: add metadata score toggle (4ea94f0)
- search: add species + pathogen scientific and common names to filters and datasets #112 (b668993)
- search: update metadata tags + accordion in cards (779e363), closes #214
- sources: update repository descriptions (7d09e3d)
- update source types (cf6ac19)
- update types (3d9f8b7)
π Bugfixes
- about: content NIAID-Data-Ecosystem/niaid-feedback#64 NIAID-Data-Ecosystem/niaid-feedback#62 (2c87355)
- advanced-search: update import path - skip test (10aa835)
- analytics (379b044)
- analytics (0f3e262)
- analytics (8bbc794)
- broken sources link (80e31dd)
- dap analytics (4037491)
- dap analytics (07c7970)
- dap analytics for all paths (8519dde)
- docs: change query refresh (7fd040f)
- docs: show strapi content draft versions in dev mode (fff6ac0)
- faq content loading (81c71ab)
- favicon asset path (6dc1417)
- force prod deploy (95ecfe8)
- handle html in reference documents (hasPart) (9a3fa6d)
- hide accordion panel contents + remove unnecessary nesting in svgs (887aa65)
- home: revise data repository description for homepage NIAID-Data-Ecosystem/niaid-feedback#24 (7837e73)
- home: revise data repository description for homepage NIAID-Data-Ecosystem/niaid-feedback#24 (76f16b5)
- home: use abstract property for descriptions (61cd4dd)
- index: news carousel loading - skip test (06461eb)
- integration: remove redirect (35bb56a)
- integration: rendering table of contents (97baff5)
- missing cells in table (c9cdd8a)
- missing dates + add basedOn url name (61cd0d2)
- mobile filters (d3c6cf4)
- mobile pagination (f2885c9)
- move google tag manager tag (fddef91)
- navigation: change text from repositories to sources #202 (5feef57)
- notice: update banner to include dev api (73b4ccb)
- resource: altmetric badge display (d657f99)
- resources: add scroll for long related datasets + recent searches (6c34cff)
- resources: altmetric badge using pmid (24d5e75)
- resources: corrupted CSV download of metadata #201 (c2bd7dc)
- resources: corrupted CSV download of metadata #201 (fbee9ef)
- resources: corrupted CSV for batch download #201 (43a2fe4)
- resources: corrupted CSV for batch download #201 (a261bd7)
- search count update (ce66924)
- search: display usage info (b7e4320)
- search: filters update (23da2d5)
- search: missing ts prop in glyphs component (7a6cfe1)
- search: missing ts prop in glyphs component (db1852f)
- search: mobile pagination (c3ab706)
- show footer button in modal (a23ed25)
- show footer button in modal + display multiple funders (ce9a016)
- show funding with multiple funders (35065f1)
- small a11y fixes (b285e8b)
- sources: date handling in different format (da86bd7)
- sources: date handling in different format (c6b4b9e)
- sources: first release date (9d9a86c)
- sources: release date handling (3d3365f)
- sources: replace badges with tags (91604a9)
- styles: remove extra styling #213 (6934363)
- styles: remove extra styling #213 (5805832)
- typo (cf226be)
- typo (d1d57d0)
1.1.0 (2023-10-04)
π Features
- add integration page (f27cb52)
- add news and docs pages (9f2e0af)
- docs: add use case section (89e1056)
- revise data repository abstracts for homepage - NIAID-Data-Ecosystem/niaid-feedback#24 (8e6a795)
π Bugfixes
- about: content NIAID-Data-Ecosystem/niaid-feedback#64 NIAID-Data-Ecosystem/niaid-feedback#62 (2c87355)
- advanced-search: update import path - skip test (10aa835)
- sources: broken sources link (80e31dd)
- docs: change query refresh (7fd040f)
- docs: show strapi content draft versions in dev mode (fff6ac0)
- docs: faq content loading (81c71ab)
- favicon asset path (6dc1417)
- resource: handle html in reference documents (hasPart) (9a3fa6d)
- index: news carousel loading - skip test (06461eb)
- integration: remove redirect (35bb56a)
- integration: rendering table of contents (97baff5)
- resource: missing cells in table (c9cdd8a)
- resource: missing dates + add basedOn url name (61cd0d2)
- search: mobile filters (d3c6cf4)
- search: show footer button in modal (a23ed25)
- search: show footer button in modal + display multiple funders (ce9a016)
- resource: show funding with multiple funders (35065f1)
- sources: date handling in different format (da86bd7)
- sources: first release date (9d9a86c)
- sources: release date handling (3d3365f)
1.0.0 (2023-07-12)
π Bugfixes
- search: hide accordion panel contents + remove unnecessary nesting in svgs (887aa65)
- search: mobile pagination (f2885c9)
- search: search count update (ce66924)
- search: mobile pagination (c3ab706)
0.0.3 (2023-07-04)
π Documentation
- update about page (3e4e8f3)
π Features
- filters: add conditions of access filter + update filter search casing (0106bee)
- homepage: new design implementation (261a4a0)
- niaid logo changed to external link NIAID-Data-Ecosystem/niaid-feedback#63 (8811593)
- pages: add advanced search page (fe3b7a1)
- pages: added faq + changelog pages (b9efb4e)
- pages: added faq page (518b8a5)
- query-builder: add search history (2c0615a)
- query-builder: error handling (b2ea480)
- query-builder: update field config (dac539a)
- search: added search history (8c08ba1) (0b2eedb)
- search: added search history toggle + added to dataset page (cfd545c)
- separate links for nde logo NIAID-Data-Ecosystem/niaid-feedback#63 (b577d3c)
π Bugfixes
- [BREAKING CHANGE] results sorting with name.raw keyword (f0d8df8)
- about: change about text (NIAID-Data-Ecosystem/niaid-feedback#64) (378ac57)
- added break to documention subLabel in nav.json (baadaf4)
- added schema to about page (9b08fe2)
- advanced search disclaimer local storage (773b7cb)
- broken table links (5b74642)
- error handling (7d7a214)
- external links added in about page (1d32e5b)
- faq: links (4eb3bdf)
- filters: issue NIAID-Data-Ecosystem/niaid-feedback#52 (e063e5a)
- filters: issue NIAID-Data-Ecosystem/niaid-feedback#54 (83d3597)
- filters: limit date range + add date tags (66cd095)
- filters: limit date range + add date tags (ed369a0)
- homepage body fits on one line (d729890)
- homepage changes, 2 categories (6aa26a9)
- index: missing mapping keys (cb1f1a5)
- link base url + footer last updated (eae5134)
- link urls (b9a3eb3)
- middleware redirect implemented (8689180)
- missing repo logo (9e0b047)
- navigation item unknown character (issue #179) (f02d694)
- niaid-feedback#15 (e29ec71)
- preview image updated (f3b1d25)
- query-builder: union bug (57cac9e)
- querystring character escape (a7ab65a)
- remove search card urls from broken links test (a9492b3)
- removed external from lastUpdate in footer (08fa454)
- skip test last commit change (f606154)
- skip test last commit change (0e7f860)
- sources date information (bd10d06 85acabb 230d2b1)
- summary: vis interactions (68bce87)
- text inconsistencies (5690246)
- twitter and og image change (018d712)
- twitter and og metadata updates (2d3d7bb)
- twitter and og title change (8ee4959)
- update field counts (bd8050d)
- updated meta description and keywords (e4b177e)
0.0.2 (2023-02-27)
π Documentation
- update about page (3e4e8f3)
π Bugfixes
- [BREAKING CHANGE] results sorting with name.raw keyword (f0d8df8)
- [BREAKING CHANGE] results sorting with name.raw keyword (37a67d1)
- filters: limit date range + add date tags (66cd095)
- query-builder: union bug (57cac9e)
- sources date information (bd10d06)
- sources date information (230d2b1)
π Features
- pages: add advanced search page (fe3b7a1)
- pages: added faq + changelog pages (b9efb4e)
- pages: added faq page (518b8a5)
- query-builder: add search history (2c0615a)
- query-builder: error handling (b2ea480)
- query-builder: update field config (dac539a)
- search: added search history (8c08ba1)
- search: added search history toggle + added to dataset page (cfd545c)